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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Route 66 - New Mexico

Tucumcari, New Mexico

The next state on our Route 66 journey was New Mexico. I don't have any Holga shots from this state, since mostly it was just desert and landscape type scenes, which didn't really suit my Holga style. So the XPan got used heavily on this leg of the trip.

We visited a state park that had a lot of Laguna Indian ruins, and it was pretty cool. The next few photos are from that park:

A random rest area / gift shop haven on the side of the road:

Around an old church in Laguna, New Mexico:

Next state up: Arizona!

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About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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