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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Holga + Gelatin Relief = ???

Chinatown (Click on the image to see the texture / details more clearly)

So, I've decided to experiment a bit and combine my trademark Holga technique with the Gelatin Relief Process. What resulted were 5 prints that are variations of my original Holga artworks that you may have seen on my art site or blog before, printed to contact size as before, but with the texture and coloring of a Gelatin Relief. They are one of a kind prints, and cannot be duplicated exactly. If you are interested in purchasing one, or having one commissioned (yes, I can make this process work with ANY of the Holga images I have created), let me know and I will give you the full details of the relevant piece!


Jeffrey Byrnes said...

It is not often I find another Holga user that has images like these. I love your photographs. I can not break away from using my Holgas no matter how hard I try.

amy said...

I think I like this one even better than the original print that I have! I like how the texture and coloring appear mainly around the outside of the print. I also like how you keep experimenting with new techniques and trying to come up with something different to present in your work.

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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