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Monday, March 19, 2007


I recently returned from a trip up to Boston to get together with some photographer friends. The occasion? A fellow photographer, Jane, is from Australia and is currently on a cross country tour of the United States. Boston was on the list of cities where she would be stopping, and since I had never been to Boston before either, I figured I'd make the trek up to see everyone. It was so worth it, and I have the photos to prove it!

I'll post more photos, including some Holga photos I took during the trip, but I'll start with this series of Jane taken at the Chocolate Brunch. There's nothing like having only chocolate (and lots of it!) for lunch, let me tell you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for trekking up to stay with us while Jane was here.

I am SOOO a good driver--and a patient one too!

Oh and thanks for burning our snowman at the stake Erin. Sarah was thrilled when she found out. :)

Teresa said...

Love the many faces of Jane storyboard. I am so jealous. I am glad you all had fun.

Unknown said...

Fun! I wish I could have been there!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of Jane! I can hear her laugh just looking at the pictures. Sounds like a wonderful road trip. Can't wait to see your Holga shots.

Hassel Weems said...

It's the Jane show, new night, new blog!

jen said...

i love jane!

thanks for being my navigator... and i'm so sorry about rubber necking on I95. it really really really was a loverly overturned tractor trailer. and thanks for the pics of me and my own kids! priceless.

jen capone

Anonymous said...

LOL Hassel. I bet Jane feels uber-famous! ///rin, nice shots!

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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