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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Boston Holgas

While I was in Boston, I shot some rolls of film with the Holga, and thought I'd share some of those now. These are only scans of the film - film is best when printed traditionally, and I haven't had time to do that yet... yes, I am impatient to share my latest Holgas with the world! So at some point soon I will have actual real prints made of these.

The first image is of Jane Gibbons-Eyre (the aussie mentioned in the last post), Jen Capone, and Craig Molway, all talented photographer friends of mine.

The second image is of Jane enjoying her first ever snowfall. She was so happy and thrilled that she got to see snow! They apparently don't get snow in western Australia, so it was a privilege to share that experience. Being from western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio, I take that experience for granted sometimes!

The third image is of Craig's wife Sarah, who was frolicking in the snow with us. She was walking backwards to avoid getting snow in her face, hence the footprints looking like they are in the wrong direction. Ah, yes, mind games in photos are fun!

I have more Holga images from the trip, but these are the only ones that are web ready at the moment. And besides, I still have lots of other images to share from the trip.


jen said...

i've been Holga-ized! wow this was fun. so much fun.

Jonathan Canlas said...

I need to put more b/w film in my holga.

ABritton said...

I love the image of Craig's wife walking in the snow. And your images of you burning the snow man I saw are so awesome!

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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