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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Matt's Poem

I was digging through some of my files today and came across this image that I made back in 1999. Back then, it was exhibited in a local Savannah gallery and published in SCAD's yearly photo review and show for "Silverworks." I had used photoshop before, but hadn't really done any projects beyond my basic PS class there, and when working for the news, we didn't alter photos at all! So this was a departure from what I was used to, and I haven't really made any other images like it since. I use photoshop all the time now, and am quite good at the program if I do say so myself, but I generally prefer for my images to have a natural look (even though they may be a far cry from how the scene actually looked in real life!).

This photo was actually shot using film, and then blurred, with the poem scanned in and dropped on top in three layers. Even though I don't usually make work like this, I really like this particular piece. It's the only one of the whole series that I like at all. Sometimes you have to take a chance and try something new because you never know what you might accomplish in the end.

Anyway, I promise I will post some new photos soon. I've been shooting some Holga film, and I won't get to develop and print it for almost two weeks... argh! And I have some other ideas that I want to try if I have a few minutes of free time. Free time... HA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's very interesting and beautiful and inspiring. My two big loves are photography and poetry but I've yet to sucessfully combine them. I'd thought of writing on a photo but that's expensive - especially since caligraphy is not easy. So photoshop may be the key. Thanks for the idea...

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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