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Friday, August 18, 2006

The Family Antognoli

On Sunday, I attended my annual family reunion in Ohio. My father's father had something like 16 brothers and sisters, and as you can imagine, that produced a ton of relatives! The group photo above isn't even a fraction of them, for scale. I try and make it back for as many of these reunions as I can, because if you miss even one, there are so many new faces or growing up faces that you don't recognize, like these ones:

My grandmother was there, and she is always fun to see. She seems so much younger than she is, and I can only hope that I look that good when I'm her age!

My mother has been in charge of the games for the kids for years. They do all sorts of fun things, and then cap it off with a whirl at the pinata. We had to instate the rule that the pinatas would not resemble anything living though, because one year my mother brought a rabbit pinata, and the kids went all lord of the flies on us and were fighting over the body and head, which had become separated. So now only shapes, and colorful streamers are allowed!

My brother brought his guitar and was playing with a few other family members. I think I left when they went into a rendition of "Freebird" though. That's my limit, I'm afraid...

I have absolutely no idea what is going on here, and I took the photo!

Even family puppies gather for the reunion. I wanted to take this one home with me. He kind of looks like Maurice, only 75 pounds lighter : )

So thus ends another reunion, and thank you again to my second cousin Holly for hosting all of us crazy relatives!


Dizzy Bear said...

wow!!really nice photos!
i will visit again.

Heather said...

What great photos. I hope you're in charge of the family albums!

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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