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Friday, March 31, 2006

GOYA Friday - The Human Pixel Project

For this week's GOYA, I am showing the final results of my participation in The Human Pixel Project. You can check out the overall goals and information at the web site, but to sum up, each participating artist gets 10 2x2 inch pieces of wood and are asked to alter them any way they see fit, so long as the finished squares represent one or all of the color swatches listed on the site. I chose to make one of each color for some diversity. Once the "pixels' are gathered, they will be used to make larger pictures.

This project was a lot of fun, but quite challenging because of the small size. My pixels are made with oil paint, sharpies, and torn photos and paper. The gray pixel is actually acrylic because I realized after starting that I didn't have any black oil paint, only a black oil stick... which didn't work very well for gray. Who doesn't have black paint? Ugh. Anyway, I think it all turned out ok, and am happy to have participated. Once these are completely dry, I'll ship them in to Human Pixel headquaters and see what becomes of them.


Sean Hennessey said...

hey cool. nice stuff.

Erin said...

thanks sean. are you doing this as well? i love your work, and think it would be cool to see little tiles in your style!

Arty4ever said...

'ello Erin,

The 2 in the middle are my favorite. I'm curious to learn the story behind "+" and "-" being bad but together good...?

At any rate, nice work!

—Michael Auger

Erin said...

michael's an illustrator, not a photographer... i bet some of the photographers out there would know what the plus and minus was based on. i already told michael so he would know ;)

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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