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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Voice Of America - The Holga Images

As promised, here are the Holga images I made during the filming for the Voice of America interview I mentioned in the previous post. See the video HERE (my segment is 16:50 minutes in). You will see these images, along with some of my other fine art Holga images, in the piece.

Thanks to Sahar who made the video, and for Maira for modeling for both of us!

Voice Of America - The Holga Interview

Anyone speak Farsi? Just kidding. But not really. Because if you do, you will get to watch AND understand a really cool piece consisting of me being interviewed about my Holga artwork, my process, my techniques, and my inspiration.

But if you don't speak Farsi, you can still see me in action, as well as a bunch of my artwork (including the shot above from the video shoot)! Visit the Voice of America site at this link:


(For anyone who is ultra confused by that page, you can find the direct link to the video HERE, but be warned it will automatically start playing the video in Windows Media Player)

Click on the second link under 9/26. My piece is around 16:50 or so in. While I am speaking in English, they dubbed it over in Farsi! The original aired with the Iranian population in mind, but they're gonna have an English version soon to air around the world, so I'll be sure to share that when I have it.

Enjoy, and I will post more photos from the shoot I did for the video soon!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Connecticut Avenue

Those of you who attended the last artdc.org artists' dinner that I helped put together might recognize this location - it's on Connecticut Ave. right near the place we all met up!

We're planning another dinner next Sunday after Crafty Bastards ends, when we'll head over to DC9 and grab a bite to eat. If you're an artist, come join us...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Union Station - Washington DC

I shot this image months ago, but am just now getting around to posting it. It was taken just before my volunteer shift at Artomatic, and Union Station's metro stop is just before the one I needed to exit to get to the show. I was early, so I decided to get off the metro early and do some shooting in a different neighborhood. This is from underneath the covered outdoor area of the station looking out. Union Station is a neat place to photograph, and I don't stop there nearly enough. Too many places, too little time!

You'll be able to see a real print of this and many other of my new works at my solo show at the Greater Reston Arts Center this coming January, for sure!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Route 66 - Nevada

Well, Nevada isn't technically on Route 66, but we had to go to Las Vegas at the end of the trip since that's where we were flying from to head home. I had never been to that state either, and so it was a good opportunity to check it out. However, it was 119 degrees out, and so we stayed indoors as much as humanly possible before heading to the airport. And that's about when I chopped off all my hair. Had we stayed another day, I probably would have shaved my head bald.

We did brave the heat to see the Hoover Dam, and my photos below are from there. But otherwise, this is a fairly anticlimactic post. Have no fear, I still have some point and shoot images from the Canon Elph to go through, and will post a gallery once those are together!

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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