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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Artomatic - My Picks

I finally got to take a look through all the floors at this year's Artomatic, and have my picks ready! These are in addition to the "Bloggers' Night" profiles I did the other week. In no particular order, they are:

(note: I will be adding more photos next to artists, and possibly some commentary, but wanted to get this up in case anyone was planning on visiting soon and wanted my 2¢)


Jeannette L. Herrera (9 NW A2) website: http://www.bluefacekiller.com/


Sherill Anne Gross (5 NE D4) website: http://www.sagworks.com/


Dana Ellyn (8 SW A5) website: http://www.danaellyn.com/


Gregory Ferrand (11 NW A4) website: http://www.gferrand.com/


Anna Nazaretz (6 NW A3) website: http://www.annanazaretz.com


Novie Trump (10 SE D5) website: http://www.novietrump.com/


Gina Tibbott (10 SE D7) no web site listed


Sean Hennessey (7 SE C5) website: http://www.wheresmycoffee.com/


Rania Hassan (7 SE C5) website: http://www.goshdarnknit.com/


Marcie Wolf-Hubbard (11 SW B5) website: http://www.hubbardsfinearts.com/


Shanthi Chandra-Sekar (10 NW A3) website: http://www.shanthic.com/



Alexandra Michaels (10 NW A4) website: none listed


Ismael Carrillo (8 NW B4) website: http://www.ismaelcarrillo.com/


(I am separating photography because 1.) I am a photographer, and 2.) photography rarely moves me, so I think these artists deserve special props!)

Photographers that I think are worth a look:


Jennifer Foley (12 SE C7) website: http://www.jfoleyphotography.com/


Erica Riccardelli (11 SE D6) website: http://www.ericcardelli.com/


Joanna Knox (11 SE C7) website: http://www.joannaknox.com/


Darren Smith (9 SE D7) website: http://www.honfleurgallery.com/


Scott F. Speck (5 SW A7) website: http://www.scottspeck.com/


Tracy Lee (11 SW A5) website: http://www.tracyleephoto.com/


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About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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