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Monday, February 11, 2008

First Holga Photos of 2008

I finally had a chance to develop the rolls of film I have been shooting since the new year began, and scanned in some to post here. There's not a lot to say other than that, really. I've just been working in the darkroom a lot lately before things get more chaotic with exhibits and work and all that fun stuff. So here are my first Holga images of 2008:

It's Andy! He's shooting digital here because he gathers the photo pieces to make the most awesome digital collages I have ever seen:

I'm in this one (where's Waldo, anyone?):

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About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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