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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holiday Juried Exhibition
“Art on the Small Side”
Mixed Media Art & Fine Crafts

Guess who won first place in this show? I did! Uh-Huh!

The show runs from December 12, 2007 – January 5, 2008. If you want to meet me, come to the opening reception. I'm fighting a chest cold, but if I don't get any worse, I plan to be there! Two of my Holga images will be included in this great exhibit of work (I cruised around the gallery today and saw a lot of it... I'm in very good company).

Opening Reception:
Friday, December 14, 2007
6 - 8:30 pm

In keeping with its tradition of showing affordable art during the month of December, Touchstone Gallery offers a juried show of mixed media art and fine crafts sized at 18 inches and under by artists from the metropolitan area.

Gallery Info:

Touchstone Gallery
406 7th Street, NW, 2nd floor
Washington, DC 20004

Gallery hours:
Wednesday - Friday 11-5
Saturday - Sunday 12-5 and by appointment


Anonymous said...

strange, because I'd heard that the prizes wouldn't be announced until Friday at the opening.

Erin said...

they weren't "announced" aloud until the opening, but they did have the tags up on all of the work when we stopped by to pick up our non-included work. so i went around and looked at everything early!

Alex Z said...

Erin, I went into Touchstone on Saturday, and your piece had already been taken down. But when I mentioned to the woman there that the work I had specifically gone to see was gone, she delightedly told me that was because she herself had bought it, and she was happy to unwrap it to show us. I really like it.

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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