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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Holga Wedding!

On Thursday I tagged along with friends Jamie and Natalie of Borrowed Blue to do something I've been itching to do for quite a while now: to photograph an entire wedding using a Holga! I've tried to bring a Holga along and shoot a roll or two in between regular coverage, but I have found that it doesn't really work as well as it could, since I'm too worried about missing a moment and can't focus on making a really great Holga image. Anyway, I have all the film (yes, film!) finished, and am in the process of editing it. When I finish going through everything, I'll post more images, but I couldn't wait to show this one.

Thank you Jamie and Natalie for letting me shoot with you, and also thanks to Vanessa and Jesse, the wonderful couple who allowed me to be there on their big day!
(That's Vanessa being escorted to the ceremony by her dad in the photo above...)

Edited to add more images!


Anonymous said...

Erin these are so neat! This is truly unique. You can make this work, no doubt about it!

Michael Juiliano said...


Anonymous said...

Those turned out great!

Justine Ungaro said...

Love these Erin! I've been wanting to play around with a Holga at some weddings myself.

Anonymous said...

I haven't even been able to get 1 decent roll out of my holga and you get weddings full of AMAZING holga images. WOW!!!

beautiful work!

(found this somehow through flickr)

badaud said...

Erin, I've said it before but it's always worth repeating, your Holga work is fantastic. These wedding photos are beautiful and romantic. Isn't that what the best wedding photos are supposed to be? Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Erin...that first frame is amazing...enter that in WPPI?

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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