I'm posting my GOYA Friday a day early because I will be working all weekend on various photo related things and don't know if I'll have time to post it tomorrow...
Baltimore is still considered DC territory... at least as far as arts and commuting go, at least : ) So this week's photos come from Fells Point in the Inner Harbor. I was a bit puzzled by all the "Believe" signs everywhere. They were on all of the trash cans, for one thing. I do believe in trash, so I decided to take a somewhat self portrait there with my shadow and the cans.
There was a big debate on a photography forum I frequent a while back about "objective" photography, and really, I don't think such a thing exists. Yeah, in most cases something has to actually be in front of us in order for us to capture its likeness on film. The expression "the camera never lies" comes from this nature of the medium. But composition, vantage point, lighting, and in my case, multiple exposing can mean that the exact same subject can be portrayed countless ways depending on how each individual photographer is reacting to it. I think by looking at this Holga series I'm making, it's very easy to see a personality coming through, and so I thought it would be fun to actually include myself in one of them somehow.
Anyway, I've narrowed down my Holga project to 36 photos that I think are fit to print large. But I'm still shooting, so I don't know where that number will end up when it comes time for me to actually hang a show...
In other news, Andy is going to be hanging some of his digital photos that he created from photos he took while we were in India this past December. For the record, EVERYTHING looks 10 times better when it's matted and framed, and these images looked great to begin with, which means a lot considering I don't really care for most heavily digitally-manipulated art. They are incredible, and I'll try to see if I can nab a shot or two of some of them before they head off to be displayed.
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