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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

India Wedding

As promised, some more photos... this time from the wedding we attended while in India. These are all of our friend, Shivaani, the bride. We were very honored and grateful to be invited to be a part of the wedding festivities, and everyone there was just wonderful to us.

I photographed two of the four days of ceremonies we attended while wearing a saree (the traditional attire for women), which for someone not used to that manner of dress was quite a challenge for me in itself. But I think I got the hang of moving around AND taking photos while wearing it fairly quickly! We were told we could wear western clothes if we felt more comfortable that way, but my philosophy is to soak up as much of the experience as possible. When in Rome, right?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

My India Adventure

This is old news to a lot of you reading, but in December, I had the great privilege and honor to attend a friend's wedding in India. As many of you also know, I have a hard time even trying to begin to describe the experience. To sum up, though, it was incredible! Our friend's family took such good care of us, and made us feel right at home. We stayed mainly in Kolkata, but ventured down into the jungles on a tiger safari (alas, we didn't see any tigers). I don't look at things quite the same way since returning, and I think it's been a positive thing. And from a strictly visual sense, it was almost overwhelming. So much color, so much texture, just so much to look at. Not that there isn't a lot to look at in DC, but it's so very different in almost every respect...

I took this photo of Andy on the roof of the house that our friends had rented for the duration of the wedding festivities. I've never been so tempted to make so many color photos (I'm usually a b&w person), and this is one of the minority colorless images from the trip. I'll post more images, along with information about what's going on in the photos, as I pick them out!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

GOYA Friday - Icarus

Yeah, I know it's only Thursday. I decided to get an early start. So sue me!

My grad school, SCAD, sent me this postcard calling for entries for a show entitled "Icarus". The theme: birds. I have a few other works with that particular theme, but thought this might be a good opportunity to create something new, as my own personal work tends to fall by the wayside at times when I'm busy with Halo.

The medium is photography, the subjects are bird bones and feathers. I've been all about the grid lately, in case you didn't notice. Ironically enough, my thesis project while at SCAD was centered around grids. Everything is cyclical, I suppose...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Hair Today...

Hi. This is my first blog post, and this is my latest self portrait. I'm hoping to use this page to showcase some of the new work I've been doing, among other things. Welcome to my blog, and check back. Maybe I'll get the hang of this thing in the near future...

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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