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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

DCist Exposed Exhibit

i have not participated in the DCist exposed exhibit since the very first one several years ago. however, i was happy to hear that my image taken at the rally to restore sanity / march to keep fear alive last autumn was chosen to be a part of this year's exhibit.  though it was shot with film, it's one of my rare non-holga images that one can actually see displayed in person, so if you can, check it out.  

more info on the show, which runs from march 15-27, can be found HERE.

where: longview gallery
1234 9th St NW
washington, DC 20001
business hours:
wednesday-saturday 11-6
sunday 12-5
+ by appointment

Friday, March 04, 2011

ArtSpace Herndon Photo Exhibit

usually when i post on this blog, it's to let you know where you can see my work, or to share the latest creation I've made. so this time i'm breaking from that form to post about something i've done, but to showcase the work of other talented area photographers.

last month i did something that i've never done before: jury a photo exhibit independently. it was an awesome experience, as i've only ever judged in a group before now. we got some incredible submissions from all different styles of photography, many of which will be on exhibit at artspace herndon starting... NOW!  

the opening reception and awards ceremony is saturday, march 5 (yes, that's tomorrow!) from 7:00-9:00 PM. i'll be there to present the awards and give a brief talk about the work and experience of jurying the show.  i hope to see some of you there! 

find the gallery at: 
750 center street
herndon, VA 20170

(and there will be two of my route 66 holga pieces displayed in the foyer, but that was at the gallery's insistence so that visitors could see the juror's perspective. however, the focus is on the very talented photographers i chose to be a part of the exhibit...)

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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