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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

artomatic @ frederick - my top 10 picks

artomatic frederick has opened up to the public and i had the pleasure of visiting the other week. normally i participate in AOM, but due to time constraints and not enough new work to show, i decided to opt out this time around. nevertheless, i think everyone should check this show out if they are able. 

there are lots of artists displayed at F-AOM, and in true AOM fashion, a few are superb, and many are mediocre at best. however, i didn't really see anything revolting or so terrible that it left a negative impression on me.  due to the fact that AOM is an open exhibit (meaning not juried, so anyone who wants to exhibit is able), this is quite a feat in my opinion.

i did jot down a list of the standouts (again, my opinion only), and will share them with you below. if you plan to attend the exhibit and / or festivities at some point before the close date on november 6 be sure to check out their spaces. in no particular order, my top 10 of F-AOM artists that you should definitely not miss are:

1.  jeff and kristin bohlander - www.jeffbohlander.net
     installation of wonderful mixed media paintings by jeff and fabric vessels by kristin
2.  krissy downing - krissydowning.com
     large scale stylistic illustration-like paintings that are awesome!
3.  jamie gerhold - jamiegerhold.theartistangle.com
     a fellow savannah college of art & design grad who works in mixed media painting
4.  cinnamonopteryx press - cinnamonopteryx.wordpress.com
     illustrations of strange hybrid creatures - fascinating...
5.  kristin partridge - kristinpartridge.com
     alternative process photos - the real deal!
6.  megan kreh - megankreh.com
     very eerie photographs that captivate the imagination
7.  katie giganti - studiosegue.com
     large scale digital photographic based collage
8.  annie & linda lunsford - annielunsford.com
     illustrations that are quirky and amusing
9.  jenn rinaldi - no site listed, but i found her here: https://plus.google.com/117603612166960552214/posts
     a fellow holga shooter with a good eye for composition and details
10. michael auger - arty4ever.com
     offbeat artwork that features black light activated displays!

see the full list of participating artists HERE.

the majority of the artwork i've purchased has been a result of my visits to artomatic over the years. the displayed work is incredibly varied, and often extremely affordable. if you crave decoration for your abode, consider supporting local artists - they rock!

related: be on the lookout for a post coming up listing the artists whose work i've acquired, and who is on my scope for my future art purchases. ;)

Monday, October 10, 2011

adventures in artwork packaging

it never fails that when i receive artwork back from an exhibit in another part of the country, the box looks like it's been through a war zone. i always start out with brand new, never before used boxes to ship off the artwork, and end up with something that barely resembles a box when i see them next.

i recently found this on my doorstep - a package of 10 matted and framed holga artworks that i had sent to a gallery in indiana for a show there.  luckily, the interior of this box contains not only the bubble wrap you see peeking out of the rather large gash in the box, but also several smaller boxes that have even more bubble wrap and the artworks inside.

i am happy to report that not a single artwork was harmed in the shipping of this package.  Here's to careful and what-seems-excessive-but-not-really packing. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hi-Fi vs Lo-Fi

route 66 - chicago skyline

i have another exhibit coming up very shortly, this time in the midwest. lala gallery in lafayette, indiana, had approached me about a show theme that involved the contrast of digital cameras vs film cameras, and thought my work would be perfect for the film side of things. the resulting exhibit is HiFi vs LoFi, and should be pretty interesting given all the different applications of both film and digital media. 10 of my holga images will be representing the LoFi side of things!

*** the opening reception is on friday, august 19 from 6-10 PM, so if you are in the area please stop by and take a few pictures so i can see it all together. :) ***

the exhibit runs until september 9th. find it here:

Lala Gallery & Studio
609 Main Street
Lafayette, IN  47901

Saturday, June 04, 2011

the places we have known

i have yet another exhibit that is currently running for the next month or so... this one's at the stamp gallery at the university of maryland, college park.  the exhibit, entitled "the places we have known," is a three-person photo exhibit featuring adrienne moumin, lisa mccarty, and myself.  the exhibit examines our unique interpretations of space and how we portray scenes.  8 of my newer holga images are featured here.  check it out - it runs through july 15!

find the stamp gallery at:

1220 Stamp Student Union
The Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life
University of Maryland
College Park, 20742


Monday, May 30, 2011

gallery 555 - sculpture exhibit

i just found out that my sculpture entitled "modern plan of survival" will be included in the washington glass school student exhibit at gallery 555 starting in a couple of days, and i'm super excited for my first sculpture on exhibit in over a decade!

i had to weld a base for the piece specifically for this show, so it will be displayed as a free standing artwork even though it was originally designed to be mounted on the wall. the stand is not permanently attached, so it can now be displayed either way. :)

being the diligent photographer that i am, i forgot to bring a camera with me when i finished and dropped off the finished piece with stand, so i will have to take a photo when i visit the gallery to post at a later time. 

the details:

Exhibition dates June 1 - 30, 2011
Artists Reception: Saturday, June 4, 3-5pm


555 12th Street NW Lobby

Washington DC 20004

"The Washington Glass School is known for its excellent student program and the quality of creative work its students produce. I wanted to celebrate their 10th anniversary by giving students an opportunity to exhibit their work in Gallery 555dc. Running and managing a school takes hard work, long hours and dedication – then more hard work. To celebrate a 10th Anniversary in the art world is a rare thing and a tribute to the founders and teachers of the Washington Glass School.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

art in hand

4 of spades; holga image (erin antognoli)

late last year i was alerted to a very unique and fun artist opportunity by friend and fellow dc metro artist michael auger - the "art in hand" project.  the project features a fully functional deck of cards each designed by a different local artist in their signature style.  other cities have gone before us, but most recently finished is the washington dc deck, which is currently available now for purchase HERE - you can check out the linked page for a preview of all the wonderful cards created by many of my friends and fellow dc artists.  i can't wait to see the deck in person!

and as if that opportunity wasn't enough, i have now found that there will be a brick and mortar exhibit of most of the artworks that are featured in the deck this summer at touchstone gallery in dc.  this is a huge collaboration of sorts, and will be so fun to be a part of. i hope you are able to check it out. details are below:

Art Deck-O: DC Playing Card Originals

Show DatesJune 29 - July 29, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, July 8 6 - 8:30 pm

Touchstone Gallery
901 New York Ave NW
Washington DC 20001
Tel: 202-347-2787
E-mail: info@touchstonegallery.com
Open: Wednesday-Thursday 11-6, Friday 11-8, Saturday-Sunday 12-5

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Black Rock Exhibit Opening

for those of you who have wanted to see my latest holga prints in person, now is your chance! I will be exhibiting at black rock center for the arts in germantown, maryland, with an artist reception this coming saturday. stop by and say hi! info on the show is below:


Wednesday, April 06, - Saturday, April 30, 2011
Artist Reception: Sat. April 9. 5:30 -7:30 p.m. Free!

this exhibit may be the last chance to see this many of my original contact print holga images in one place in the dc metro area*, as i am focusing my attention toward other avenues of artistic media... so don't miss your chance!

*the last chance that i currently know of... you never know what will come along!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

DCist Exposed Exhibit

i have not participated in the DCist exposed exhibit since the very first one several years ago. however, i was happy to hear that my image taken at the rally to restore sanity / march to keep fear alive last autumn was chosen to be a part of this year's exhibit.  though it was shot with film, it's one of my rare non-holga images that one can actually see displayed in person, so if you can, check it out.  

more info on the show, which runs from march 15-27, can be found HERE.

where: longview gallery
1234 9th St NW
washington, DC 20001
business hours:
wednesday-saturday 11-6
sunday 12-5
+ by appointment

Friday, March 04, 2011

ArtSpace Herndon Photo Exhibit

usually when i post on this blog, it's to let you know where you can see my work, or to share the latest creation I've made. so this time i'm breaking from that form to post about something i've done, but to showcase the work of other talented area photographers.

last month i did something that i've never done before: jury a photo exhibit independently. it was an awesome experience, as i've only ever judged in a group before now. we got some incredible submissions from all different styles of photography, many of which will be on exhibit at artspace herndon starting... NOW!  

the opening reception and awards ceremony is saturday, march 5 (yes, that's tomorrow!) from 7:00-9:00 PM. i'll be there to present the awards and give a brief talk about the work and experience of jurying the show.  i hope to see some of you there! 

find the gallery at: 
750 center street
herndon, VA 20170

(and there will be two of my route 66 holga pieces displayed in the foyer, but that was at the gallery's insistence so that visitors could see the juror's perspective. however, the focus is on the very talented photographers i chose to be a part of the exhibit...)

Friday, January 14, 2011

film fridays - the photographer becomes the photographed

my friend paco (rob) is being photographed while photographing. he's using an iphone (hipstamatic and instagram are his apps of choice), and i'm using a hasselblad xpan II and kodak tmax 400 film. i have to say, after seeing his pics, i'm very, extremely, utterly tempted to get an iphone simply for the built in camera. no, it will not take the place of my holga, xpan, or other film cameras... but it would be awfully handy to have everything together in one device so that i have a camera on me at all times. the camera you carry is the camera you use, as they say.

don't worry. i'll never be turned completely to the digital side. :)

Friday, January 07, 2011

film fridays - citiwide

taken in new york city during my last visit there.

the specs: hasselblad xpan II camera and kodak tmax 400 film.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

photo competition - artspace herndon

i'm jurying a photo contest! anyone working in any type of photographic discipline is able to apply.  the doors are wide open...

from the entry page:

Entry deadline:  5 February 2011, 5pm

The competition is open to fine art photographers aged 18 or older working in any medium (digital or analog, color or monochrome), and using any printing technique - we care about well-done art more than the specific medium, technique or format. Fine Art Photography of any subject is welcome; there is no required theme for entries.
Finalists for the Competition will make up the March 2011 Exhibition at ArtSpace Herndon.  Finalists will be notified on 12 February 2011 via email.
1st Place:  $300
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place:  $100
Juror:  Erin Antognoli

ArtSpace Herndon 750 Center Street
Herndon, VA 20170

visit this link to get more information and download the prospectus: PHOTO COMPETITION

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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