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Friday, December 31, 2010

film fridays - please respect

if a sign requesting respect is, er, respected, it gives me hope that perhaps we can do the same in general within the population. unless we need to wear signs on our persons at all times asking for respect. what if respect doesn't match my shoes today? dammit.

maybe we need to make respect the new black. that way it will match everything, including my black, black heart.

anyway, happy new year (almost), and see you on the flip side!

the specs: hasselblad xpan II and kodak tmax 400 film.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

holga walls

because we had unseasonably warm weather toward the end of this year (up until december!), andy and i had been trying to take our days off together to take trips to outlying towns and locations in order to take photos there. this holga image was made during a day trip to annapolis.  i was drawn to all the various wall textures, both natural and man made, and liked how this combination came out.

Friday, December 24, 2010

film fridays - grand central station (another take)

wherever you happen to be headed during whatever holidays you celebrate, have a safe trip, be thankful for what you have, and strive to make things better for yourself as well as those around you!

the specs: hasselblad xpan II and kodak tmax 400 film.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

holga patterns

this is an extremely close up detail of a tile mural in adams morgan, washington dc.  we were heading home from crafty bastards in october and stopped to take a few photos (when i say "we," my husband is a photographer too).  using the manual holga film advance, i overlapped the frames to combine the tiles to enhance the mosaic feel.

Friday, December 17, 2010

film fridays - free

i made this image in new york city during my last trip there. i just loved that there was nothing in the "free" box. :)

the specs: hasselblad xpan II and kodak tmax 400 film.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

dupont circle fountain holga

dupont circle fountain, taken at the end of our last sketchcrawl in october. i wasn't feeling my sketches that day (and was reluctant to post very much as a result), but i did get a few holga shots that i liked. this is a rare single frame, since i usually overlap exposures for a layered effect.

anyway, despite my seemingly impaired sketching ability, it was a beautiful day, i got to spend a lot of time outdoors with some talented DC artists, and made some nice photos. i call that a win!

Friday, December 10, 2010

steel + glass

modern plan of survival, steel and glass, 2010

i've been up to some very different (for me) work over the last couple of months, and the culmination of that experiment is just about done - i am delving into sculpture, specifically with steel and glass!  the pic above is my first piece in what i hope will be a series. 

if you are in the dc metro area, you can come see this piece, along with tons of other really awesome work by the glass school artists, at their open studio and sculpture market TOMORROW (saturday), december 11, from 2-6 PM.

the washington glass school
3700 otis street
mt rainier, md  20712

from the glass school's blog post:

"See some of the new directions the artists of the Washington Glass School are moving the traditional craft with integration of modern process, mixed media, and narrative.  Some of the artists showing include: Erwin Timmers, Tim Tate, Elizabeth Mears, Chris Shea, Allegra Marquart, Michael Janis, Nancy Donnelly, Robert Kincheloe, Sean Hennessey and Rania Hassan.  Music, Demos, Class Specials and more are on the agenda for the day!

The recent Glass & Steel Sculptural Development class will present their final projects in one of the galleries at the school - this semester's class has created some of the most impressive works yet! See what happens when you have set 
loose a class at DC Glass Works and Washington Glass School and toss in some aluminum pour castings & metal welding - you will be impressed and wanting to know when the next class occurs!"

film fridays - 5 pointz tracks

i made this image in new york city in the 5 pointz, a graffiti covered block of buildings. this shot didn't showcase the graffiti so much as it did the subway tracks and the barbed wire fence keeping the back lot private. i liked the way the lines came together, and was happy we had some clouds in the sky that day for texture.

the specs: hasselblad xpan II camera and kodak tmax 400 film.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

finnish embassy holga

it is a little known fact that while in high school, i co-founded the finnish resistance movement in chemistry class with my good friend who now also lives in the dc area. it's a long story of how that came about, but can be summed up with us playing off of a spelling error on the part of our teacher. fast forward 20 years (yikes!) when we passed by the finnish embassy during our october sketchcrawl. needless to say i got very excited. it wasn't open, but the architecture was so cool looking, so i swung into the courtyard to make some exposures.

viva finland!

Friday, December 03, 2010

film fridays - the watcher

i made this photo in the 5 pointz in new york city. you can see a little more of the buildings a few posts down in the levitation photo, but the place is literally covered in graffiti. i liked this particular piece of graffiti because it just seemed to watch over you... or glare at you. depends on how you look at it i guess. :)

the specs: hasselblad xpan II and kodak tmax 400 film.

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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