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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

NYC apple store holga

i don't have many holga images from my nyc trip this past october as a opted to shoot with the xpan most of the time i was there, but i did make this shot at the apple store in manhattan. i was visiting with my friend rob (the one pictured a few posts back who is levitating!), who is a long time employee of that store. i had never been to that particular apple store before, and it was pretty neat to see how very different it is from the apple stores around dc. i was standing underneath their glass stairs looking up at all the people coming and going... while rob was answering customers' questions about iphones even though he was not technically working that day. :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

film fridays - grand central station

this film friday image is dedicated to all the travelers out there this holiday weekend. i shot this in grand central station up in nyc in october during my visit for the toying with creativity book launch party.

specs: hasselblad xpan II and kodak tmax 400 film.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

dead end - annapolis holga

this is one of quite a few new holga images i have to share. it's easier to save film and develop it all at once rather than a roll at a time as i take them, but the downside is that i have a ton of images in one swoop. so, i'm going to spread out my sharing a bit so that it's not so overwhelming for you or for me. :)

this one was taken during a day trip to annapolis. andy and i have been trying to get out on our rare days off together to roam and take photos, and this came from one of those trips. fun fact: we were officially engaged in annapolis a decade ago!

Monday, November 22, 2010

toying with creativity

i have a holga image featured in this book: toying with creativity. check it out if you are able. i haven't been able to read the entire thing yet, but it's a pretty good resource for anyone interested in lo-fi cameras and image making.

by the way, most of the recent nyc images i've been posting (and will continue to post) were taken the day of the launch party for this book. i took the train up to the city and roamed with camera in hand until it was time to hit the party. :)

also, another bit of publicity i received a while back was a profile on holgajen's blog. you can read that HERE. lots of my images are featured, and the commentary is quite good, i think. check it out!

Friday, November 19, 2010

film fridays - follow the white rabbit head

the rally for sanity / keep fear alive march on the mall in washington dc last month was a bit of a challenge to photograph. for starters, i'm shorter than just about everyone else on the planet, so trying to get a decent vantage point above the crowds was pretty futile. in addition to that, i had my parents in tow from pennsylvania, so i didn't want to wander too far away from them or they'd be lost in the wilds of dc. i contemplated strapping a day's worth of food and supplies to them just in case, but decided i should be a good child and guide them myself. :)

in any case, i decided to wander a bit on the outskirts of the rally so that i could move around and get some photos that way. for the most part i was not terribly happy with any of my images, but i did come away with this amusing one of a guy parading around the head to his rabbit costume. i saw that and got in as close as i could to get a few frames. the feet from above were from people perched on a moving truck they had rented for the occasion - if only i had thought of that!

the specs: hasselblad xpan II and kodak tmax 400 film.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

film... tuesdays? - xpan levitation

i realized that i missed last friday's "film fridays" post. but, i have a good excuse - i was busy developing and printing 5 rolls of xpan II film and 5 rolls of holga film! and what's more, here's one of those images - it's my friend paco (the rest of the world knows him as rob) levitating in the 5 pointz - i took this photo during a visit to new york city last month. i took a similar photo of paco back in the late 90's in front of some graffiti in our college town of kent, ohio, and we thought it would be funny to make another for the new millennium.

the specs: hasselblad xpan II camera and kodak tmax 400 film.

and i'll try to get back to posting these on friday now that i have a lot of new material to share. :)

Friday, November 05, 2010

film fridays - street performers, nyc

this is sort of a fun random image from nyc a while back. friends and i were wandering around and ended up watching these street performers work the crowd while we waited to rendezvous with the rest of our party. two of my friends can be seen just under the jumping performer / over the line of jumpees in the background. :)

the specs: nikon fm3a and kodak tmax 400 film.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

old town alexandria holga - eel

i made this holga image back in july during a stroll around old town alexandria, though am just now getting around to posting it. it was very hot that day, so we only stayed out for about two hours, and all i can say is the lack of ice cream shops on the main drag is a deal breaker for future summer visits to that area!

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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