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Sunday, December 27, 2009

my christmas was a blast...

...how was yours?

(that's my younger cousin William with his new ipod touch)

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Take on an Old Image

This is an image from a wedding I shot back in 2004, but reworked a few weeks ago using the Gelatin Relief process. Just thought I'd share now, since I have a whooooole lot of images to be put through this process,some of which you will be seeing in the new year.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sleepy Frida

I needed to test my new camera out and turned to the most adorable subjects that I know - my puppies! Frida is more cooperative than Maurice by far. She holds her position while I take multiple shots, but as soon as he sees the camera he gets up and goes to another room. Little curmudgeon. Anyway, prepare for cuteness overload!

Below is a rare photo of Maurice taken before he realized I was taking his photo. He normally doesn't wear t-shirts (I don't like to force dogs to be frou-frou), but he had stitches on his side and we didn't want him to rip them out. He's fine now and the shirt is long gone.

Friday, December 04, 2009

My Favorite Cameras

A lot of people find their way to my blog through a variety of means. Sometimes they find me through a link on another web site, sometimes they are clients of mine, and sometimes they arrive here by searching for keywords that appear often in my blog. And one of those topics that attracts a lot of people is the gear I use, specifically my Holga and film photography. Well, an article written by friend and fellow photographer Angela Kleis addresses the topic of a photographer's favorite camera in her latest Smithsonian Studio Arts Blog column, and she interviewed several photographers to find out what their go-to cameras are and why. See the article HERE and you'll get to hear about my favorite cameras to shoot with - the Holga gets a mention, big surprise! But, so do a few other film cameras made by Hasselblad and Nikon. Go check out the article for my full quote, plus you'll get to see what other area photographers like to shoot with most.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

ISPWP Contest Winner!

Yes, it's that time where I announce that I placed one of my recent wedding images in another contest. This time it's the ISPWP (International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers) Fall contest in the "First Dance" category. The image can be seen above and was taken at Jessica + Todd's Thorpewood wedding this past September.

See the contest category HERE!

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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