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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Get Your Rear In Gear!

Over the weekend I photographed the First Annual Alexandria Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run, Walk and Tony Snow Mile for a Miracle! at Fort Hunt Park in Alexandria Virginia. These races happen all over the country as part of the Colon Cancer Coalition, which is the local connection to Tony Snow (Fox News / Press Secretary to George W Bush), who lost his battle with colon cancer last year. Over 500 participants came out to the event, which was awesome to see. Some of the teams that participated were quite colorful, including the Kilters (or was that "Kilt Lifters"?) (pictured above) who ran in kilts, carried foam weapons and many who ran bare chested for the entire 5K.

My own grandfather died of colon cancer, and so to do my part to help, I'm donating 25% of all print sales from this event to the Colon Cancer Coalition. Find the entire photo take HERE.

A few more photos to give you a taste of what's in the proofs linked above:

The team from Trinity High School wore matching hot pink argyle socks...

An eclectic mix gathered at the starting line!

Tony Snow's sister, children, and Fox News Producer Griff Jenkins take their place at the starting line:

And they're off!

The winner James Wiggin approaches the finish line:

I was so happy the leaves were still on the trees at the park - it made it so pretty!

Tony Snow's kids being interviewed by Fox News after they completed the 5K:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shutterbug Magazine Feature

If you happen to be by a place that sells magazines, make sure you check the November issue of Shutterbug Magazine. Specifically, page 90, where you will find a feature with yours truly. The work profiled is my wedding / artwork hybrid site at www.erinantognoli.com.

I got a note about a half a year ago asking if I would allow the magazine to use a screen shot of my website with their profile, and of course I said yes. But, because the article is only available online to subscribers, I had not seen it when it first came out. I began getting emails from all over the world telling me they loved my work and that the article was really great, so that made me feel better, but ultimately I had to see it for myself and made a pit stop to Borders where I found the magazine on the rack.

I'd share it if I could, but due to copyright issues I can't scan and post the page, but if you get a chance check it out this month at the nearest place magazines are sold.

***UPDATE - it's now online! Check it out here: http://shutterbug.com/web_profiles/1109web/ ***

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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