Right now I am on the tail end of a massive exhibition wave for my Holga show entitled "Fragments & Ashes". The work from this show is so abundant that I was able to split it into two separate exhibits, and thus had exhibits in the DC Metro area as well as in Colorado simultaneously. Because most of you either live in one place or the other (or neither, and didn't get to see any of these shows), I thought I would make a post of a few snapshots I took of each exhibit so everyone could see and compare.
I think all 3 solo shows were arranged very well. In most cases, the gallery does this and I don't see it until the opening. Since all of my work is the same size and I don't have any special hanging instructions, this arrangement is fine with me, and results in a different viewing experience every time.
First up, my show at the Greater Reston Arts Center in Reston, Virginia. This was part of a 3 person show, and we each had distinct areas for our work. My work was on the most amount of walls here compared to the other shows, as opposed to several very long walls. The gallery arranged the work in a way I had never seen before, grouping them in two and three images and leaving space between the next set, even on the same wall. I hadn't thought to do this before at a show, but liked the result. You can see for yourself:

The next show, which was happening at the same time as the GRACE show, was my exhibit at the Curfman Gallery in Fort Collins, Colorado. This was a dual show with artist Leighton McWilliams, who also shoots with a Holga but has a finished product that is more sculptural. The gallery was a great space, and it was pretty much cut in half for each of our work. They played well off of each other though, and everything was meticulously arranged and leveled. They even made custom plexiglass covers for Leighton's work because they were worried that visitors would inadvertently touch the artwork and disturb it. I was treated incredibly well by this gallery, who flew me out in order to give an artist lecture, student work critiques (the gallery is owned by Colorado State University), and of course to attend the opening reception. Some views of the gallery taken just before the opening reception began are below:

And here's a view from my hotel window. For those who live around mountains, you are probably yawning, but for me, this was so incredibly cool to wake up to!

And lastly, my exhibit that is up RIGHT NOW in Frederick, Maryland at the Delaplaine Visual Arts & Education Center. This show is all contained in one room and I'm the only artist in it - the only one of the three exhibits where I'm not sharing space with anyone. Because I work in such a small finished product, it's difficult for me to fill some of the large galleries, but occasionally I find a space like this where it's not only easy for me to fill, but I have to edit out a lot of my work so as not to crowd it. This is the smallest of the 3 shows, with 19 total works being displayed (GRACE had 26 and Curfman had 24, for reference). But still, I think the show looks great in it's little gallery. It's up for another month, so if you are in the area go and check it out in person!

And for now, that's it! I've had a wonderful time thus far, and want to thank each and every person who has come out to the opening receptions or otherwise visited my exhibits, because you helped make this experience so great.