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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Holga Wedding #2

The weekend of June 9th I traveled up to the Boston area to photograph a Holga wedding with Zofia of Zofia Photography. The couple, Brianne and Pete, were friends of Zofia's from Nantucket, so it was a very fun event to be a part of. Here are a few of the photos I made throughout the day...

I thought this was funny because it's the Maid of Honor's speech and the daily paper. They were in two different rooms, but the combo was interesting to me.

Thank you to Zofia, Brianne and Pete for allowing me to be a part of this and to make these images!

And for all those wondering, I treat these wedding Holga images the same way I treat the Holga images I create to display in galleries and other art shows. I personally print these images in the darkroom and tone them for longevity and color, and everything is custom made as well as archival.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Honorable Mention - Holga Images

When I got home from walking the dog today, I checked the mail and found a check from the Delaplaine (see previous post) for $50. I couldn't figure out what on earth it was for because that was the wrong amount for me to get if I had sold something, but it turns out that one of the two images above received an honorable mention in the show. Woo-Hoo!

I feel awful because I have not even seen the show hung yet. I was up in Boston over the weekend photographing another Holga wedding (images coming in the near future), and missed the opening. But I plan to head up that way before the show ends because while I did get a preview of the work, it was not all hung at that point, and it looked like it would be an awesome group of work.

Has anyone out there seen the show? Do you know which one of my pieces got the honorable mention? If not, care to guess which one it is? It could be like a game...

The suspense is killing me.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Show Opening / Out of Town Reminder

Just a reminder, the opening for the 2007 Juried Show at the Delaplaine is this Saturday from 3-5 PM. Two of my Holga images will be included, and I got a sneak peek at some of the other work accepted and can say I'm in good company.

To find the show:
The Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center
40 South Carroll Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Another reminder to clients and anyone else wanting to contact me that I will be out of the office from Friday (tomorrow!) until Monday. So if I don't get back to you right away, that's why. More on the trip after I return... and have a good weekend!

About Me

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I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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