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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

DCist - Exposed!

I just got word that my Chinatown image has been selected to appear in the DCist Exposed Show that will take place at the Warehouse in DC from March 9-16. The reception is March 9 at 6:30 PM, and there are some awesome photos that will be in this group show, so check it out if you can!

I will also be featured in an interview in the March issue of Montgomery County InSight Magazine with regard to my Holga photography project. You can pick up a copy at any Giant grocery store and various other places around the county.

Details on both of these will follow once I have more specific information, so check back often!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Photomedia Center Holga Show

I found out about this Holga photography group show put on by the Photomedia Center on one of the ArtDC.org call for artists postings, so I entered a few of my Holga images from the past year. Well, one was chosen for the show! See the work HERE. The photo above is the one that was chosen for the show.

Incidentally, the show was sponsored in part by Light Leaks Magazine, for whom I will be writing an article about Holga photography in Washington DC a little later this year. I'll post more once I find out the exact date the article will be published. I've already written an article about my Holga photography project for the Professional Wedding Photographer Forum (PWP), although you have to be a professional photographer to see it there. No worries, the Light Leaks article will be available to anyone. And I'm always happy to answer questions about my work, so if you have one, drop me a line!

Monday, January 08, 2007

You Know How I Love A Good Covert Operation...

Attention all New York City readers, or to anyone planning on being there in the near future:

DC artist and art blogger J.T. Kirkland is planning a covert show in Manhattan January 16-18. An excerpt from his blog:

'My company/client is putting me up in a pretty darn nice hotel in the Financial District in Manhattan. It's just a couple of blocks from the WTC site. In my room, I am going to mount a showing of my work. This will take place Tuesday-Thursday, January 16-18, from 7:30-9:30pm.

Sometimes an artist just has to grab a bull by the horns. If no gallery is taking your work to an art fair, hold your own. If no gallery in Chelsea will give you a solo show, mount your own. If you can't afford a studio in NYC, let your client pay for one. Right? Right!

So here's the deal. Next Sunday (1/14), I will be driving to NYC with my work. I will mount my show on Monday night and I will do all that I can to ensure the cleaning staff stays out of my room that week. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I will open things up for visitors to come in and check out my work. I hope to meet many of my NYC readers. If you want to purchase a piece, we can do that (cash, check or Paypal are all options... my laptop will be up and running)."

Get the details on his blog and if you are able to show your support, please do. And by all means, pass the word along to anyone you think might be interested. Artists need to do more of this type of thing to get their work out there. Now if only someone would put me up in a swanky hotel in the Financial District... :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

DC Holga - Last of 2006

Lots of people do fun and exciting things on New Years' Eve. Well, I spent my NYE in the darkroom for about 10 hours printing and toning Holga work for my big project. I think that's kind of fun work, but not terribly exciting. So this post will be pretty short, except to say that the two Holga images posted here are the last of 2006. I took them in DC near the White House, and my total of finished prints has reached 19. I have 38 on the list to print, so that puts me at exactly half way done with my printing. Next up for 2007 - get a show of my work somewhere. This should be a busy year with all I have planned as far as reaching my goals!

Oh, and I did come out of the darkroom by 11:35 PM in time to settle in and watch the ball drop on TV, kiss Andy, and go to bed. Yeah, like I said, I'm just full of fun.

Happy New Year!

(Yes, the headless antlers are wearing a bow. )

It's finally 2007! I haven't updated the blog in a little while because I've been all over the place visiting family and friends, and so now I'm going to make a few posts at once! First up, family Christmas antics. This year we traveled to Ohio to spend time with my father's side of the family. These are some of the many photos I took that evening:

Cousins Amanda and Joel preparing to be Santa's Helpers. Don't they look thrilled:

Uncle Drew and Aunt Roseanne. I don't know what the joke was, but thought it made a fun photo:

My cousin Tony, who has been taking some pretty cool photos of his own recently:

My grandmother and her kids. My dad is in the back:

These photos were all taken during Antognoli Christmas Bingo. Yes, you read correctly. My crazy family plays Bingo every Christmas eve. When I spend Christmas with Andy's family, I call on Christmas eve, and they sing the Bingo song so I can hear. Did I forget to mention, when someone wins, we sing the Bingo song and clap. And everyone is a winner at Bingo. And we sing every time. I have a big family. I had no hope of turning out normal.

Nonna reading off the Bingo numbers. You have to stay on your toes because she sometimes reads them in code or a mix of Italian and English. After a decade you start to figure out the code though, and Bingo is much easier to win.

Singing and clapping during Bingo. Everyone is a winner... I think this is toward the end when we sang the Bingo song 20 times already.

My Aunt Libby under the disco lights and with antlers:

Andy being attacked by my cousin Jordan:

And finally, Andy nabbed this photo of me in between my taking photos. Note my striped tights. I loooove striped tights.

I hope everyone had a happy holiday, and look forward to starting off 2007 with a bang!

About Me

My photo
I am a sculptor, photographer, and mixed media artist based in the Washington, DC metro area. I sculpt with steel and glass, and enjoy people and holga / alternative processes photography best, although I experiment with many different subjects and media where I find them.

do you hear what i hear?


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